Address: Murphy Av/Gillett St/Lillian Ave. SW
404. That’s an error.
The request%2C-8> Click here to get directions - approximate; see below for where to park
Parking: small parking lot adjacent to park
Cost: free
Age Range: supported sitter – 10 years
Ground Cover: wood mulch
Features: play structure featuring two slides, wobbly bridge, several climbing ladders; separate structure with 4 adult swings and 4 baby swings
Surrounding Park Area: recreational baseball field, covered basketball courts, a recreational center and tennis courts
Shade: there are some tree surrounding the playground, but the playground is not shaded
Seating: several benches surround the playground
Stroller/Wheelchair Access: none
Safety: no particular features on the play structure pose any huge safety risks, although the swing structure is made of wood, so there is the possibility of splinters
Cons: The play structure is not very large and could be overrun with just a small number of kids. In this neighborhood, there are quite a few kids, so that possibility could be high.

Overall Assessment: Adair Park neighborhood is a cute neighborhood and knowing the history of the area is particularly interesting. Developed between the 1890s and 1940s, this area grew when Atlanta was transitioning from a railroad town to an urban area. Many of the houses are bungalow house with craftsman style detailing, which makes for a particularly nice drive. That being said, this playground is a nice neighborhood playground. Nothing too spectacular to make me want to drive to go to it again, but if you live in the area, definitely a place to check out!
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