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Map is Back

The interactive playground map and directions links are back in working order.  Sorry for the prolonged downtime.  Find a new playground today!

Just wanted to make sure you were aware of an exciting event that supports the spirit of the Atlanta BeltLine!! Atlanta Streets Alive is coming to Highland Ave!

Please save the date: Sunday May 20 from 2-6pm. Wear your strolling shoes or bring your bike. Or just bring your smile and spread it around for the two miles of Highland Ave that will be closed to automobile traffic and open for you and your closest friends and family to walk, ride, strut, cruise, mingle, peruse, socialize and enjoy the time and the FULL PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY which you will be able to use at your leisure.

More details are below. Show up on time and don’t miss the FIRST ANNUAL GREAT ATLANTA BICYCLE PARADE!! I’m telling you – this is one that you do not want to miss!

This year we are bringing Atlanta Streets Alive to North Highland by taking it from a street packed with cars into a people-powered street with all sorts of activities for you and the family. Who is joining us to bring Atlanta’s streets back to life? The Great Atlanta Bicycle Parade (bring your boom box and art bike!) Story Corps, ViaCycle, Wonderroot, the Atlanta Hawks, Atlanta Silverbacks, Zumba, Laughter Yoga and (of course), you! Atlanta Streets Alive is inspired by open streets projects all over the world. With support from five city council members including Aaron Watson, Kwanza Hall, Alex Wan, Lamar Willis and Carla Smith, human powered amusement will raise awareness of the potential for active transportation and fun recreation along this two mile stretch of one of Atlanta’s great streets.

The open streets concept (or Ciclovía en español) originated in Bogotá, Colombia, where neighborhood activists opened the streets for people to bike, skate, or use any human powered means of transportation, while temporarily closing them to motor vehicles. In Bogotá today, 70 miles of streets are opened to the public from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. every Sunday and over 800,000 people take part each week!

Our vision is to spark lively streets that serve as temporary park space, for people to use on foot, bike, and other human-powered amusements, from roadways usually reserved mainly for cars. Visit to learn more, and please sign up to volunteer for a shift (and get your gorgeous ASA t-shirt while you’re at it!) 

Just in case you were wondering, the splash pads are open!! I went to Stanton yesterday just to double check, and they are in fact, open. The hours of operation are 10 am – 8 pm, 7 days a week.  There were hardly any kids there at 4:30 pm at Stanton, but once 6 pm rolled around (which is about the time we left), tons and tons of kids were there. I assume if you go to Old Fourth Ward or Stanton in the mornings, they will not be busy.


Also, something to note is that APS schools are released for summer May 22nd (I think), so the splashpads might start to get busier after that date.


And FYI, the bathrooms were also open. Only one stall in the women’s bathroom had toilet paper (there wasn’t a toilet paper holder thingy), so maybe bring your own if you are interested.


(this picture was taken yesterday by a Beltline guy – he was in a suit – and posted on their facebook page…I am in the gray shirt on the back wall)

You heard me right, the splashpads across Atlanta will open tomorrow, May 1st. Go out enjoy the water in this heat.