Three months ago, I didn’t even have this idea to do a comprehensive list of playgrounds in Atlanta, and now I am 50 playgrounds into it. The domain name ( was bought at the end of July and the first playgrounds started being put up on the site the first week of August. The Historic Fourth Ward Conservancy found me on August 9th and I got a ton of hits for my review of the new Beltline playground, Historic Fourth Ward Playground and Splashpad. Then the Grant Park Parents Network and East Atlanta Parents Network found me on August 18th and I had over 1000 page views in 24 hours! Wow! Since then, I have been averaging over 75 page views a day (and I hope it will only go up from there!). From the date of inception to now, I have had about 3,250 page views on People from Atlanta Parks and Rec have contacted me, I’ve been asked to be a guest blogger, I’ve been recognized on the street for doing this. It’s crazy! I could have never imagined this.
Courtesy of my amazing husband, we now have an interactive map that can tell you where to find the best playground by searching by location or name (really anything that Google Maps would recognize) and he is working on a way to search from your iPhone or Android phone. Pretty cool, huh?
You know, I don’t have a master list of all the playgrounds; all that information is just so all over the place. Atlanta Parks and Recs has a list, so does Dekalb Co Parks and Recs, but it’s all so confusing and unorganized. My goal is to make something that is organized and comprehensive so that YOU can find some place to play wherever you go in the city. I think there are between 120-150 playgrounds inside the perimeter. So that makes me a third of the way complete! I’m going to pat my back now. 🙂
If you’re reading this, email me. Tell me what you think of this website. How can I make it better for you? What changes would you like? What do you hate about the site? What do you love? I’d love to know.
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